Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Thanks

For this Thanksgiving, I give thanks for the things in my life:

a nice home, a nice car, a dry bed, good food & wine, nice clothes and things that don't really matter.

I give thanks for the people in my life:

my friends and clients who allow me to see the world through their eyes, 
my long-term friends & family, who age before my eyes, just like fine wine,
my parents, whose courage in the face of misery inspires me everyday,
and, my lovely wife, whose love of absurdity always keeps me smiling inside.

I give thanks for the freedoms in my life:

financial freedom, freedom of religion (or not), freedom of speech, the freedom to discuss neither religion nor politics, the freedom to study whatever I like, the freedom to associate with whomever or whatever ideas I choose (within reason), and even the freedom to choose NOT to live at all.

I give thanks for the intangibles in my life:

good health, the uncertainties of life that keep it unpredictable & interesting, and the ability to learn, as well as the continuing desire to learn.

And, I give thanks for the burning question  in my life:

why does complaining get 364 days a year, while thanksgiving only gets one?