Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What Really Matters . . .

One day, the bulls will be running down Wall Street.  The next day, the bears will steal money from everybody on The Street.  For those of us who are both fascinated and absorbed by such things, it is often hard to see any other things in life.

This weekend, we had to help some relatives, who had been without power for eight days.  One cousin who also had no power -- didn't need any help from us and was busy helping others.  She has always been an inspiration to me, as she faithfully maintains a sunny disposition -- despite having a severely autistic son.

She probably doesn't know a bull on Wall Street from a cow on Main Street.  But, she knows what is really important.  She never complains about the unfairness of having such a badly disabled child.  She never expresses resentment about losing control of her own life, just so she can take care of him.  She never discusses her fear of what happens to him long-term.  She has that existential ability to laugh off her troubles.  She is such a role model to me!

The next day the Dow drops 200 points . . . I shall think of her!