Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wake Up, Ronnie!

My favorite professor at Wharton has always been the brilliant Jeremy Siegel.  Today, I'm quoting from his latest Commentary:

With the current stalemate in Congress, I began imagining the formation of a third political party that would be fiscally conservative, socially fairly liberal, and strongly dedicated to solving the tough problems that face our country. Many of the party would be non-Tea Party Republicans who no longer want to be held hostage to the right wing of their party. I think such a third party could get 20% to 30% of the popular vote, deny either the Democrats or Republicans an outright majority in Congress, and force either the Dems or the GOP into a coalition to run the country. For such a model, just look at the United Kingdom, where current Prime Minister David Cameron was forced into a coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party in 2010 to form a government. It was the first coalition government since World War II.

It sounds like he is arguing that Reagan Republicans should secede from the Republican Party.  I'm sure Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave!