Monday, May 26, 2014

A Walking GPS ?

My wife assures me that it is true, i.e., men are overly reluctant to stop the car and ask for directions.  Huh?

But, a new study by Genworth points out that women are overly reluctant to ask for financial advice.  61% of men want financial advice, whereas only 34% of women do.  The other big difference is 48% of women say the biggest roadblock to asking for advice is the complexity of financial products, whereas only 39% of men said that.  Maybe, that reflects less financial education was provided to women early in life?  Maybe, since most serious financial advisors are male, it reflects the fact that some women just hate asking men for advice on anything?  Or . . . ??  I don't know!

Fortunately, technology has come to the aid of lost male drivers in the form of GPS.  Technology has also come to the aid of women, as the internet has a huge amount of information.  Unfortunately, learning financial planning from the internet is like drinking from a fire hose - it is way too much information.  The GPS for financial planning is still a serious financial advisor.