Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Male Maternal Instinct

I have a client in Naples, Florida, and fret every time a hurricane slams into south Florida.  I also have another client in Napa, California and have been fretting since she experienced her first earthquake last weekend.  The Naples client is a big, macho ex-CEO type and doesn't need or want anybody worrying about him, but I do anyway!  The Napa client is a tiny medical professional with worldwide experience, who is probably one of the best people to have around whenever there is an earthquake.  We've heard from her once that she is okay, but I'll be glad when I actually talk with her again.

What is it about being an advisor that makes you feel so responsible for your clients?    If you are very careful about whom you accept as a client, then maybe you fret because they are also good friends?  Maybe, a client is more than a portfolio of numbers and is actually a real person with all those familiar hopes and fears?  Or, maybe because you  know them so well that you fret like a mother?