It happened the first Saturday after the November presidential election. I was watching The Golf Channel, when they started talking about the impact of Trump on golf and how his election might affect play at his already-expensive golf courses. It got me thinking about Trump, but it was Saturday, which is my "news-free" day. I decided to just "tough-it-out" and endure the election coverage. But, I was soiled . . .
That afternoon, I got in my car and turned on the radio, which was on CNN, and I started listening. Soiled again! Twice on my news-free day, I was soiled with news!!
Each Saturday since then, I have felt less and less adamant about maintaining my news--purity. I started watching local news, just for the weather forecast . . . of course! That spread to network news, because a little news wouldn't hurt . . . would it?
The world is different without 24/7 saturation news coverage, and abstinence gives you a better perspective on the news the other six days of the week. Therefore, I must redouble my efforts to regain that perspective . . . by avoiding news-noise on Saturday.
That afternoon, I got in my car and turned on the radio, which was on CNN, and I started listening. Soiled again! Twice on my news-free day, I was soiled with news!!
Each Saturday since then, I have felt less and less adamant about maintaining my news--purity. I started watching local news, just for the weather forecast . . . of course! That spread to network news, because a little news wouldn't hurt . . . would it?
The world is different without 24/7 saturation news coverage, and abstinence gives you a better perspective on the news the other six days of the week. Therefore, I must redouble my efforts to regain that perspective . . . by avoiding news-noise on Saturday.