Tuesday, January 20, 2015


A recent editorial in Investment News began with "Despite what one may read in newspaper headlines or see on nightly television news shows, the business of providing financial advice is an honorable one -- no less honorable than teaching children, taking care of the sick or keeping criminals off the street.  In fact, a person who becomes a financial adviser isn't making a career choice:  he or she is answering a calling."

While my inner-cynic screams in disagreement, I do confess to feeling that calling.  I help people and enjoy doing it!

The editorial goes on to request help for a particular financial adviser, who is suffering for Leukemia, by donating bone marrow.  I lost a good friend and client almost two years ago to that disease and wanted to help.  So, I went to the website www.privateadvisorgroup.com/swabforlife to learn how easy it is.  However, if you are 60 years of age, YOU ARE TOO OLD to help?!?!

My first thought, entirely ego-based, was that I can still kick the butt of whomever established such a stupid restriction.  My second thought was that age discrimination is based on nineteenth century statistical information and medicine.  My third thought is that many of my young, childish, diaper-wearing readers are still under age 60 and could help save another human being by going to that website.

Hint, hint . . . what are you waiting for?