Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

There are hundreds of millions of Christians in the world.  Certainly, in a number that large, there are some crackpots.  Remember the crackpot from Topeka, Kansas, who felt God wanted him to picket the funerals of our soldiers who died in war?  Such extremism is a cancer that can grow and destroy a great religion.  Fortunately, one of the great strengths of Christianity is that we do marginalize our extremists.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world.  Certainly, in a number that large, there are some crackpots.  Remember the Ayatollah who first put a death warrant out for a writer who wrote a densely-written book that nobody could read?  Such extremism is a cancer that can grow and destroy a great religion.  Unfortunately, one of the great weaknesses of Islam is that they cannot marginalize their extremists.

Now, imagine a world where I could not write those words . . .