I never met the man but always knew it would be an honor to simply shake his hand. Long before anybody named Tiger ever picked up a golf club, Arnold Palmer had already popularized the sport of golf. But, he will not be remembered primarily for his golf ability. He will be remembered for his common-man decency to everyone. He was an emotional man, who actually enjoyed being around people. Although every president since Eisenhower played golf with him, Arnie avoided partisan politics. I don't know how he voted but don't know and don't care. He was a genuinely decent human being. He was above partisan politics. The sport of golf should also remain above the slime of partisan politics.
While I defend their constitutional right to bad manners, if the crazies from the Westboro Baptist Church do show up to protest at Arnie's funeral, like they protest at the funerals of our fallen soldiers, I hope they get beaten senseless with Arnie's golf clubs.