As you listen to the presidential debates on Monday, recall the website -- go look at it now!
Remember that our national debt is rapidly approaching $20 TRILLION.
Remember that our debt-to-GDP ratio is 105% - a traditional "point-of-no-return."
Remember that there are about 4 million fewer workers now, compared to 2000, without assuming that people are simply more lazy now than then.
Remember there are as many retirees as there are students in this country, about 50 million each.
Remember another 43 million people live in poverty and receive food stamps.
Finally, remember that tough talk does not a solution make! We cannot raise taxes enough nor cut entitlements enough to solve the problem, which requires both.
Remember that our national debt is rapidly approaching $20 TRILLION.
Remember that our debt-to-GDP ratio is 105% - a traditional "point-of-no-return."
Remember that there are about 4 million fewer workers now, compared to 2000, without assuming that people are simply more lazy now than then.
Remember there are as many retirees as there are students in this country, about 50 million each.
Remember another 43 million people live in poverty and receive food stamps.
Finally, remember that tough talk does not a solution make! We cannot raise taxes enough nor cut entitlements enough to solve the problem, which requires both.