According to Goldman Sachs, the smartest people on Wall Street work at Goldman Sachs. Indeed, their research department actually deserves that accolade. Their latest analysis suggests commodities will benefit strongly from the stronger dollar. More significantly, they believe there is too much angst over the current trade war, calling such fears "oversold." I hope they are right!
My concern is that we have entered a very strange new world. There is no person alive who has ever experienced a worldwide trade war. Plus, economists have been getting migraines trying to build an econometric model of such complex worldwide change. The fine analysts at Goldman Sachs are not concerned, but I still "toss & turn" at night . . .
My concern is that we have entered a very strange new world. There is no person alive who has ever experienced a worldwide trade war. Plus, economists have been getting migraines trying to build an econometric model of such complex worldwide change. The fine analysts at Goldman Sachs are not concerned, but I still "toss & turn" at night . . .