Friday, February 3, 2017

Brit Thoughts

David Cameron was Prime Minister of Great Britain from 2010 until July of last year, when he lost the Brexit vote and resigned.  I attended a lecture of his yesterday and took away the following thoughts:

1.  He is not worried about England following the Brexit vote, just sad that the many impending inconveniences are so unnecessary.  (He is worried about losing some of the financial sector, which is so huge in London, and may migrate to the Continent.)

2.  He is not worried about the continued existence of the European Union, unless Madame LaPen wins the French election later this year.

3.  He is worried about the chaotic and unpredictable growth of populism worldwide.  In its zeal to "break everything and start over," the cost of breaking everything is not considered, in either money terms or human terms.

4.  He felt one of the great honors of being Prime Minister was delivering a weekly update to the Queen, whom he obviously respects and appreciates.  He pointed out that, as Queen, she has met 25% of all American presidents in history, which speaks to the length of her reign.

5.  He played golf with Obama and was glad he did.  He declined the opportunity to go hunting with shotguns in the Russian forest with Putin and was glad he did.  He obviously trusts Putin very little.

I already had great respect for him, but after being in the same room with him, I got the sense he is also a "nice guy."  It would be an honor to buy him a pint!